If you wish to pay by check, you may print an application and send it along with your check to the address on the application.
Application For Vendor Sponsorship
Oops! You need to be logged in to use this form.Vendor Sponsorship $500 per calendar year. Sponsorship benefits include:
- Web link from CJPA web site to vendor/organization site. This includes your organization’s logo posted on our site along with a brief description of your services.
- Opportunity to provide marketing materials to CJPA for distribution to members
- Attend and participate in CJPA conferences/training events, luncheons and networking/social events. Participation in round-table discussions is not included. Attendance at CJPA conferences/training events is limited to 2 organization representatives at no cost. Additional organization representatives may attend for a registration/attendance fee of $50 per attendee.
Upcoming Events
CJPA Officers
Brian Gallaway, President
Sonoma County
Ashley Chapman, Vice President
San Luis Obispo County
Renee Hankla, Secretary
San Benito County
Heather Beidler, Treasurer
San Bernardino County
Cecil Argue, Member At Large
Ventura County
Why Join CJPA?
Here are just a few of the benefits of joining CJPA:
- Specialized quarterly training classes
- Innovative cost effective practices
- Legislative updates and Board of Corrections policy changes
- Network with other inmate services professionals
- Resource pooling and problem solving
- Established statewide connections
- CJPA correctional industries vendor partners